Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Phil has an announcement

*I finally got officially placed in my department at Mervyn's... for those of you who don't know... I haven't been place since I graduated from my training program in December. Basically they tried to "hide" me from being transferred to another department* I'm the last one in my class to be officially placed.... how sad is that... and I swear I ain't the dumbest one either

I watched American Idol tonight... and see Ryan starr get voted out... I was pretty bummed out about that one b/c I don't think she was the worst last night... I would honestly have to say NIkki sucked and Justin had a good voice but a terrible song selection.. they both deserved to be in the bottom ... hopefully they can rebound.. tamyra is my pick for the winner... who's yours??

I also watched Big brother 3 .... I am not sure who I want to win... they're some very good looking people on the show and I want them in as long as possible but at the same time I want Daneille or Jason to win b/c they are most normal and simplistic.. I guess only time will tell....

yes I know I watch too much reality TV, but can you blame me? I live alone..... =)

Ok off to elimidate I go.