Monday, July 08, 2002

Pass the condommmmmments please.........

I now have the fire truck I've always dreamed about and a helmut to go with it. Now all I need is that machine from "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" so that I can be zapped into an itsy bitsy tiny person. That way I can take the driver's seat......until then, Tiff will have to be the designated driver.

If a genie appeared and granted me three wishes......
1. a firetruck....check
2. a foosball table.......check
3. Heidi Klum.......ohhhh, or a Specialty #7 sandwich from Genova

To my surprise I didn't get my ass kicked at the A's game. Next time I'll have to try doubly hard.....maybe if I wore a Yankee's Giambi jersey and used a fungo bat to hit every A's fan in the crotch. That should do the trick. Anyways, it was fun watching a minor league game again.

If you ever come across a word you don't understand, remember it's best to break it down into it's parts to get the full meaning. For example, rediculous (adj.). Let's begin. Re- well, that's a tough one, but it could be short for Reeg or Regan. Dic - as in the male reproductive organ. U - the pluralality of the noun and the people reading this. Lous - ryhmes with hilarious. So taking all that into consideration, it's obvious that rediculous means.....


I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. Lunch's over, back to sleep

Thanks to everyone. Yesterday was fun.

p.s.- I hope Dan posts soon.