Thursday, July 11, 2002

as always, i'm the first one to sign up for anything that involves regan. you can reganate me anytime =) reeg, just one constructive comment, if you really want to succeed as a lecturer you need to remember one thing about your audience (young g's)
**as we are all college graduates now, words longer than 3 syllables are difficult to understand...for instance, hyperbole is no longer a word in our vocabulary. hell i think you're pushing it with words longer than 2 syllables. but definitely keep the flo' coming (my 1st try at slanguage) will be educational for all of us.
and now something serious...i am sitting at my desk barely awake because i am addicted to foozball (is that how you spell it?) after hanging out with the Jedi council of foozball, i have become a devoted follower...striving to become the queen of the jedi council. from now on, please refer to me as "WAZONK!" the beautiful sound of a goal *sigh. AND NOW I WAKE UP!!! i can't believe i stayed up until 12:30AM to play foozball...i'm way tired!!
i really gotta take a to you all laters
tiff lam...."earning a man, learning a man, and at the same time burning a man" =)
~don't worry jefe i would never forget about the lap dance i owe you. i've been practicing *wink*wink...patience little one =)