These hyper-text blogs are so simplistic and infintile, I don't even know why I waste my time.....
Weird, Phil? Doust thou doubt my dedication to Project Xian. The klugee that has muddled your brains in the real world has discombobulated you all into single minded 9-5 working sheep. Turn the mirror around people. You are the weird ones. I, on the other hand, am excentric like Cobra Commander or the PowerPuff Girls.
My video game is coming along swimmingly for all those who care, which should be all of you. I have now created a virtual girl to go with my virtual Dan. I will call her Virtual Dana or VD. Virtual Dan was getting lonely and needed a companion so I thought, what better to help Virtual Dan get over his isolation than a little VD.
Now to address everyone individually, as is protocol on these stoopid Blogs.....
Jefferey Luna- I'll play softball, but only if I'm not the shortstop again. I would like my number to be 00101001001010, which translated from unicode says Koreans Rule.
Ed- I will be in attendance at your party and will bring all of my Korean and munch-kin friends. We will bring lolly pops from Lollypopland and dance and sing show tunes in our high pitched voices for your amusement.
Tiffany B- Davis rules, the rest of the world drools.
Tiffany L- The only thing more red than my hair is your face after one shot. Snicker, snicker.
Nick- I will play you in foosball, but instead of using the poles I will simply jump onto the table and run around scoring goals galore.
Michelle- How do you get into so many accidents? I can't see over the wheel and I still drive better than you.
Phil, Sylv, Tiff, Christine (Aids Walkers)- Good for all of you. I would've joined you but as some as you may know, my right leg is shorter than my left leg. When I walk I can only make right turns and the Aids Walk was all about left turns. Maybe next time, I'll petition that they change the direction of the walk so I can join you. Also, the exit door to my bat-cave isn't working right now, so I'm stuck indoors.
To everyone I didn't mention -___insert name here____ what's up. ___insert location here___was a lot of fun. we should do it again. but next time, we shouldn't __insert embarrassing moment that occured in location here___. that was hilarious though. also, you're a ___insert inside joke/nickname/insult here___.
have a heart. help koreans.
Dan the digi-man.