Monday, July 29, 2002

*monday, monday*
lately, mondays are getting harder to deal with. just don't feel like the weekend rejuvenates me...actually, the weekends drain the life out of me and then monday gets to be a very ugly day. argh! don't get me wrong, weekends are jam packed with fun, fun, fun but mondays suck! you know how i said sleep is overrated? psych! sleep will be my next hobby...i should start practicing ASAP!
to my new hiking buddies (sylv and nick): was it worth for me to get out of bed early and hike with you guys? NO! j/k it was so fulfilling when we finally finished our long hard hike =) i was elated...damn near skipped to the car. things that i learned from our hiking endeavors: fire melon is the best tasting gatorade flavor, obese coyote poo looks really similar to horse poo, and steep hills are not good.
to white team members + jefe: schweating helmets are nasty *ick!
Invitation: just wanted to invite peeps to a protein/carbo load prior to our softball game on sunday. menu: breakfast aka greasy foods and maybe some fruit on the side. lemme know who's coming so i know how much to cook =) no RSVP, no food - and i mean it.
Sh*ttalking: to the black team, think of the breakfast as your last meal before you get slaughtered.
alrighty, gotta go!
peace out foolios!
ps. where reeg at? thinking of new pick up lines? i hope so =)