Wednesday, July 31, 2002

christine is so excited to be able to find her keyboard at this messy little cube of hers that she decides to write a blog... so here goes:

very excited about the softball game...especially cuz we all know that the whities are gonna win. isn't it ironic that while i am not so much teased of being quite white by this crowd (do you think they're referring to the fact that i'm pale?) that i ended up on the white team? i was glad to see however that the jersey is actually a light shade of cream/yellow... and thanks to tiff l, nick, ed, and jeff for taking care of EVERYTHING related to this game. i'm so excited we even get at-bat intros!

on the subject of baseball, i thought lofton would be just a galarraga-type filler while the outfield is out (pun not intended), especially since there's no way they'd bench bonds for lofton and i like shinjo. his defense is grrrrreat! right field could use some work i suppose... but after his debut yesterday it's gonna be a hard decision to make.

do you ever notice that at any social event you're at with phil, you'll always hear the phrase "do you watch the mole?" i think i heard it 2 or 3 times just at ed/ant's shindig nite. and did you actually talk to contestants of the mole, phil? how'd you do that?

thanks to ed and anthony for throwing a faboo pah-tay. =P it was fun seeing everyone again and this time we could actually move around the house without smashing ourselves into walls.

random thoughts:
- why does it already feel like friday? or at least thursday... but sadly it's only hump day... is that a sad occasion?
- who is going to the usa vs. china basketball game?
- who're the umps gonna be at sunday's game?

back to the grind that is work... seey'all sunday!

sorry tiffers, i don't believe i'll be making it to your soccer event either =( . i was thinking i was free that day since it is pretty far in advance and was all excited cuz i've never watched a full game and i haven't watched one with you yet! but alas i won't be around that wkend either cuz i'm going to seattle for a wedding. sounds like that's the get-away wkend.

have you all seen the new austin powers? hilarious! fred savage - yuck! it had a lot of gross-out factor too but that's what makes 'em good right? this 3rd one was a lot better than number 2. didn't you love the flashbacks?