Wednesday, July 17, 2002

good morning all!
i've finally recovered from the weekend! you guys and gals should've seen me on sunday...not my best moment. ask ed, i was barely awake during our football game =) so thanks tiff b for having a damn good BBQ even though you are the biggest alcohol pusher i know =) it was quite fun until my face turned red and the room started to rotate. never again i tell ya!
just wanted to invite people to brisk walking / running around lake merced. jefe, nick, and i have been doing this for 2 days now and it really is fun. laughing and walking - always a good combo. also, jefe is trying to become the indian running king so we all need to help him out. if anyone is interested, let jefe know.
sorry for the bad news but camping has been postponed until a further date. i haven't found any sites that are available for the next couple of weeks - i have checked mendocino county, east bay parks, monterey area - and nothing. i will keep you all posted. but until then, any people interested in hiking during the weekends? Mt. Tam seems like a good first try so if anyone wants to be one with nature, let me know.
things that i've learned from this past weekend
1) no more alcohol...serious
2) embarrassing moments are my forte...if any of you have did something embarrassing recently that made you feel awful, talk to me - everything will be much better after talking to me. apparently i have no shame
3) sleep is truly overrated...i can actually make it through the day with only 6 hrs of sleep =)
4) i am not allergic to working out / doing exercise - who would've thought?
5) sore arm pits are the pits! get it?!?! hehehe

alrighty, i gotta go and try to do some work. enjoy the rest of your day everybody!

tiff lam