Thursday, July 25, 2002

*Phil posts right before he goes to bed watching elimidate*

I must say you guys have really worked on those jerseys.... I would have totaly tried to help out.. but after working 8 to god knows how long with clothes and retail all around you the last thing you want to do after work is to make clothes...I'm already doing my sweatshop for the day at mervyns... might I add everyone that I have gotten a whole desk now... yes not a 1/2 or 3/4... a whole desk... and its about time... everyone that pass by my desk mentioned it.. it was that dramatic.. everyone saw how tiny my desk was... it was pretty embarassing how small it was compared to my size (not to say that i'm gargatuan)... but yes I have to spend my 2 cents mentioning that... to other things

- so do we have like a manager or team captain for the two teams??? how bout the fielding? are we going to decide that there??? How do we reserve a place that we know will not be taken???

- MAMMA MIA - what a great show! I love it.. it's so awesome.. I can't believe I never saw it before.. great storyline, great singing.. acting was pretty good.

- cirque du soleil is coming this november-december (to pac bell park)I forget what the title of this one is called "starts with a v"... just wanted to let you know me and ariel are going on nov 23 e already bought the tickets) so if any of you guys are interested in going that day or just want to see just letting you know now

- so yeah this dandigiman thing kills... love it too death..

- anyone annoyed that tanya not josh got booted out of big brother
- isn't everyone happy that a.j. finally got booted out of american idol
- does anyone know if bill, heather , or dorothy is the mole????

ok enough reality tv talk for me..

till I blog again
I"m out