Monday, July 29, 2002

Monday, July 29, 2002
12:23 PM
UCD computer lab

6 games in 2 days in 90-something degree weather - holy crap, I'm still royally spent from this weekend. At least my stats weren't too bad for my last ever tournament with my club team - 2 goals, 2 assists, and 1 sweet blocked shot. But my body's paying for it now, as all the muscles running along the backside of my body, starting from midback down to my wittle toes, are screeching in pain. But ain't no thang because I got all week to recuperate and prep for this weekend's game. And how sweet it will be when my team beats your sorry white asses (sidenote: Did Nick have a hand in placing me on the black team as a reference to my dark skin color? Cause I now definitely deserve to be captain of the black team after this weekend's exposure to the hot Tahoe sun. Stupid sunblock never works).

ECP - sorry I missed your bbq, but my uninvited spirit seemed to have a grand ol time crashing the party.
Phil - hey what does your watch say? yeah, it says it's about time to quit that job of yours, sir.

6: Number of days until the white team goes home crying. Tiff, don't forget to host your post-game "eat-my-loser-sorrows-away" meal. You forget, we have Regan and everytime you're up at bat, he'll be spewing his pickup lines on you to distract you from the ball.
2: Number of SI Class of 97 alum I partied with this weekend: Joey Evans and Dave Ellis. Drank with Joey, smoked with Dave. Go Wildcats.

Soccer notes:
-The Quakes suck on the road. They've won every single home game this season, but have lost their last 4 away games. There must be something in the San Jose water.
-Saturday, August 3rd: MLS All-Star game party at my house - be there. We're bbq'ing.
-Soccer Saturday anyone? On August 17, the Quakes are playing D.C. United at Spartan Stadium at 1pm. How about we all watch the game, then find some random soccer field in the area and get a game going?

I'm hungry. Must go eat. Bye.
