Friday, June 28, 2002

Philly Phil Phil sits at his half-desk at Mervyn's during Lunch*

Hello all,

I felt that I would like to share my thoughts on Tiff's blog,

1) I think people on't write in here as often b/c some are busy, but I think other just don't feel like they have anything to talk about. I think that they do read the blog and enjoy reading it, they just don't know what to say or what to write about. (for all of you who fall into that category, just write what's on your mind, regardless of how mindless you think it may be)

2) also I think that people sometimes don't post comments b/c either 1) they don't know how to send a reply 2) they'd rather send a whole blog responding to it (like I am)

3) I do not know why you are so self-conscious.. maybe the more you write the more you analyze yourself and critique everything you say and do... that usually makes me people more self- conscious, I like to think of it as more of a self-awareness.

4) I think you could have a bbq for your b day. If you want in davis have it there... don't plan it around people, plan it around your day.. it is your b-day (just ask when people are available)

5) June did go by pretty quickly.. however my job still sucks

6) what's eveyone doin july 4th..??? I was thinking eveyone could come to my place (since I haven't had a housewarming) and watch fireworks on the 4th. I believe they have fireworks over the bay..... anyone down to come down or across the bridge for that matter????

7) I think I will stop writing for now...

hope to hear from you all sooon