Saturday, June 01, 2002

*in best marilyn monroe voice*
"happy birthday....MR. NAST.......happy youuuu......"
happy 23rd nast!!!!!!

location: a semi-cluttered apartment in s.f
bizarre experience: last night, while watching the SAC/LA game, i accidentally dozed off.....15 minutes later, i wake up to a game winning interview with a....warriors player!!! i was SO confused....then i realized it was a local news interview on this player's opinions on the game *sheesh*
green with envy: that many of my friends spent their saturday at the union street fair and had fun and got drunk....while i spent my saturday....selling handbags *yawn*
crossraods: anthropologie just offered me a position in their company...should i take it? i am so tired of kate spade....and the office politics are outrageous now [a sorority gone psycho]....but libras despise change.....
random thought #1: can brown skinned people become pale from lack of sun exposure? if so, then that is what i am.
random thought #2: if i use self-tanner on brown skin...what will that make me?? burnt orange?

*grumble grumble*....i think i will go eat my orange now......
