Monday, June 24, 2002

Ok.. all so I haven't written here in awhile... I have actually been going out more; hence the less time for me to be on this computer... some thoughts from previous blogs

- Michelle, sorry to hear about your accident.. you need to get that stuff checked... also, you should carry a camera, pad, and pen with you at all time in the car if someone tries to drive away. that way you can take a picture... also.. have you gone back to that street where you got hit..?? you said you saw the car backing out of a driveway... couldn't you just go back to that house????

- Lamster- thanks again for coming with me to watch spiderman.. that was definitely one interesting movie... I don't know if I would pick Kirsten Dunst to be casted as MJ but I guess she's alright... I'd pick someone like the girl from small ville or somethin... at least someone prettier...or really funny... like reese witherspoon... she'd be a riot...

- Nick - thanks for coming so short-notice to the giants game.. I swear we were out own commentaries for the game.. I bet everyone around us hated us talking throughout the game.. but who cares... we shall do it again.. by the way put me down for the july 5th game.... (reply back to this so I know you got it)

- Tiff B... what are you going to do without US world cup? are you still going to watch it? what are you going to do now... I have a thought maybe get your well delayed- driver's license? heheheeheh

- Sylv, thanks for coming with me to get Mamma mia tickets in the straight ghetto.. at least I did not have to pay for service charge..... for any of you who don't know..some of us are seeing mamma mia on the 23rd... of July that is... come out and watch it if you can!!! I heard it supposed to be the bomb...

and to add to Michelle and Sylv's misforturne, I got rear-ended on Friday on the way back from My store visit... damn old 60+ year old lady hit her accelerator at a red light.. b/c the left turn light turned green... dumb ass senile woman... then she started talking about her car being all scratched... well DUH if you weren't so stupid you wouldn't have those stratches.. luckily my car has a big bumper (and was taller than her dodge interpid) and that I only dislodged the mud guard on my car.. I went through insurance to get it fixed and to make her pay.. I hate damn drivers... sucks that my manager was in the car (for those of you who don't know my manager got in 2 (YES 2) ACCIDENTS the previous friday on the way to and from the store visit... I swear store visits have become dangerous....

Ok I think that's enough for me talking, I shall end with some random thoughts

- anyone wonder how they decided second base and shortstop.. couldn't those have been interchanged?
- why is it that when you look at someone in the car next to you on the road, they have tendency to look right back at you... (especially truck drivers)
- does christine, steph, anup, val c, val r, and alan read this????
- what's everyone doing July 4?
- how come Ariel knows Cecile from Bachelorettes in Alaska and never told me until today...

hope to hear from you all soon!!!!