Wednesday, June 05, 2002

from lil'tiff

what up homies! i mean, phil, tiff, sylv, michelle, and nick. it seems like we're the only one here...everyone else's loss.
i just sent everyone an email about a possible camping trip that i am planning. anyone interested? i'm looking for a place that is near the beach so we can hang out in the sun. so if you know of a place and you are down, let me know!!!
-tiff, don't you have finals? staying up so late to watch're pretty hardcore! i would like to see this Landon Donovan...maybe i should get into soccer. and yes, even stevens is a cute show. we have such great taste!
-the mole, phil? are you sure you like the show? it seems too complicated...and way you get eliminated is too arbitrary. the questions are too hard to freakin answer. but i can tell you this, that latvia chick is one scary lady! anyways, i'm sure you're baking in hayward right now! i'm baking here in the city! i think i will take up on your tennis challenge. name the place and time and be prepared to get burned! heehee..dont' worry i totally suck!
-random thoughts time
*got the carly simon and janet song stuck in my head "clouds in my coffee..clouds in my coffee"
*when should i look for a new job?
*how hard should i study for the GREs?
*my shoulder is hurting...could it be from all the typin i'm doing?
*i really hate this hot weather...i'm baking and sweating like a pig
gotta go...i have work you know!