Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Bonjour everyone,

It's Wednesday evening, and I'm sitting here watching Seinfeld... damn that show should have stayed on a litte longer... don't ya think... anyone watch American Idol... kinda weird... but seemed good enough to replace my amazing race for Wednesday nights... then again, if I even have any nights since i work till 7 or 8 at night every day...ridiculous I tell ya!

Anyway so I'm in the car listening to the radio switching stations and then I find this real good station that replaces my 95.7.... its.. 92.7 the party station... literally... for those of you who like house (and I'm sure not all of you do) this station plays all house music... I feel like I'm clubbin 24/7 day and night with this station.. tell me what you guys think

so yeah lamster, how bout next week we go and watch a movie.. I'm pretty busy the rest of the week....

christine - where've you been??? are you alive. hehehee

random thoughts
- is steph ever going to blog?
- why in the world would a guy strangle a 6-year old neighbor boy in hayward???
- will the U.S. make the next round
- why in the world would laxatiff even choose walmart over target.... aiya...
- anyone realize that this year is our 5-year anniversary from SI???

I shall post again soon.. off too watch elimidate I go *hops into bed*
see ya