Sunday, June 23, 2002

and i thought today was starting out to be such a good day ...
tshhh ... WHATEVER!!!
Okay, why did I just get off work ... let's see clocked out at ummm about 07:28am after working about 19 hours. I'm all excited to head home and go to sleep for a few hours before I have to get up again to be at work by 2:45pm again. So I'm about 2 long [sunset district] blocks from my house when all of a sudden ... BOOM! i get hit by a car coming out of a driveway straight into the side of my car. Uggghhhhh!!!!! But wait, better yet, the car doesn't even stop ... he just keeps on driving. =( I don't get the license, only the color and a vague description of the car. So all irritated I try to follow the car, but i have to stop at a red light. How sucky! I know there's a freeway entrance not too far from where this car is headed. Keep going after the light changes while I'm calling 911 whose telling me to stop following the car . So i eventuallly stop, with the stupid car no where in sight because my car's doing a wobbly-wobbly thing. Pull over to look at my car with the front all jacked and LEAKING something! aGGGGGhhhhhhhh!!!!! so nothing left to do but talk to the police get the car towed get a ride home. *sigh!* so now that's all done but now my back and for some reason my knee are hurting. i can't believe i have to be at work at 3pm today. i want to go to the emergency room but i have no ride and i'm thinking maybe i should just wait until right before work to go. so anyway they didn't find the car right away so my guess is they're not going to find it EVER! aGhhhh vent VenT VENT!!! just wanted to share my lil story! hope you're all enjoying your weekend. I miss you guys! Love you lots! Michelle