Monday, June 24, 2002

Monday, June 23, 2002

Don't worry, no long ass blog from me solely about soccer. But before I do get into other stuff, I just have to address a couple soccer-related items:

-to Phil: Hell yeah I will still be watching the World Cup. Hello, South Korea's kickin ass and they're still in it. They got Germany tonight, or I mean tomorrow morning at 4:30AM. I'm there. Plus, I still got the MLS to watch. I'll take that over baseball any day. Plus there's the NBA draft quickly approaching, which I'm mostly only watching to keep track of Williams and Dunleavy. So there is life after US World Cup soccer.
-South Korea and Turkey in the finals, think it could happen? At this point anything's possible. I'm kinda rooting against Brazil just because of all the injury faking and ridiculous 5-year old shit they pull on the field. Damn it Senegal, why'd you have to lose Turkey, I was rootin for ya.
-Donovan is hard core. No rest time for him. He flew straight back to San Jose after the Germany game to make it to his Saturday MLS game with the Quakes (anyone wanna go to a game?). He got to the field an hour before kick-off and played the last 5 or 10 minutes or so. Damn. Now that's dedication to a team.

Now that I got that out of my system, I have to get something else off my chest:
-With all these stories about people getting into car accidents and all, you wonder why I'm still hesitant to get my license. Please, I beg of you, please stop asking me about the license. Normally, I just wouldn't care about getting teased about it, but with everyone, and I literally mean everyone pestering me about it these last two weeks, I've reached my breaking point. And I know you all must be going, "well if you just get your license already we'd stop bugging you." Well I'm doing what I can and trust me, the minute I get it, I will personally call each and every one of you. Even if I do get it, I already know the jokes won't stop because it'll go from, "when are you gonna get your license" to "dang you finally got your license tiff, it's about time" and I'll be hearing that over and over again. So please, I beg of you. Let me be. And I'm sorry to sound all bitter, really I am. But when you hear the same joke literally every single day by every person you come into contact with, you get to a breaking point, which I was just pushed over. Even before some people congratulated me on graduating, they teased about the license. And I was kinda hurt by that. I'm just being straight with everyone, that's all.

I need to get all this frustration out of my system. Think I'll go throw against the lacrosse wall and then go for a quick run. Lord knows I need to run after all the food I ate this past week.

signing off,