Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Tuesday, August 6, 2002
2:47 PM
Where I always am, Davis

Back-to back days of blogging, haven’t done that in a while. And for anyone tired of just reading my stuff, well too bad cause I’m gonna post my random thoughts anyways. :-)
*Comments on MTV’s SL: Wow, that blonde chick Candace is a biznatch and a half. Mackin on your pledge sister’s (ugly) man and trying to cover it up by using the “I’m drunk” excuse. Slut. This show is killing the reputation of Davis and California girls in general.
*Recent confirmed realization: That girls really are quite the catty bitches toward one another.
*Sweetness: Found a website that sells DVD's of highlights from the Cup, most notably one solely on the U.S.’s run through the quarterfinals. (ECP, you’re probably the only one other than myself who may be interested in this. Check out reedswain.com).
*25: Number of days remaining that I have to live with Veronique’s damned dog, and counting (Sylv, my apologies for him tangling you up and nearly tripping and killing you. Damn dog).
*Recent show I can’t get enough of: Tony Hawk’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour. Fun times.
*Phrase of the day: “Ha, you’re so moded.”

It's nap time.
