Monday, August 26, 2002

Bloody Mondays (literally and figuratively).

Monday, August 26, 2002
2:15 PM
The usual hot spot

2 for 2.
Wow. I’m batting a perfect 1.00 here, as I’m now 2 for 2 in the nosebleed-midterm department. Today’s saga: the psychology midterm. Except this time, no arguing with the bigwigs, no 20-minute bleed, no failed exam. I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous situation I was in. How could this be happening again? I went into that classroom thinking, ok let’s just take the damn test quickly so I can go grab a bite to eat afterwards. The worst that I thought could happen during the test was that my stomach would start growling (and trust me, when my stomach growls, everyone from the professor in the front to the slacker kids in the back can hear the monster). It’s déjà vu all over again. It’s Monday, the professor hands out the test, and then the floodgates open. I get up to leave my seat, tell my professor I have to be excused to the bathroom and five minutes later I come back. But it doesn’t end there. I come back to the classroom and some bitch ass is in my seat! And there are no other seats left in the room! My jankity ass had to grab some random chair at the front of the class and take the test. On my leg. I despise midterms. And my nose.

On a lighter note:
Happy Birthday Nup!! Hope your day is going well. Sorry I missed out on the celebration. Packing, moving, and trying to study for a midterm equals a weekend of hell up here in Davis.

That’s the record of the SJ Earthquakes in their last six away games. Sad isn’t it? Saturday’s 3-0 thrashing by the Colorado Rapids makes we very concerned about their postseason chances. It’s disturbing how night and day the comparisons are between home and road games (btw, they’re 12-0-1 at Spartan). I’d be having a field day with those numbers if I was their coach.

Speaking of soccer, where’s soccer-player hottie? So many pickup lines and no one to use them on.

Note to Jefe: bump into cooler "celebrities". You got me all excited about who this famous Justin was as I read through your encounter. Could it be Justin Timberlake? Or Justin Cheesehead of American Idol? But the best you could come up with is Justin Davis. Of Stanford. Geez.

Note to Nick: Wow, now that was a buzzed blog. You displayed all that I would have expected out of a classic BB – misspelled words and phrases, incoherent sentences and thoughts, and the ability to take up 30 minutes worth of everyone’s time as we tried to interpret your inebriated code. A work of sheer brilliance. I’m inspired to contribute to the BB file soon.

*Days until move into d.o.g.less apartment: 5! Woo, we're down to single digit numbers, folks!
*Days until the MTV VMA's and Justin Timberlake's solo debut: 3

Until next time,