Thursday, August 15, 2002

Let's time travel fellas! Setting: Fall Quarter/Semester 1997, you're a dorky freshman, and you look forward to forwards...and before the reegsta was the reegsta, he was simply regan...and he doesn't clean out his inbox, so he came across this....thanks for being tiffany you 2..

Sorry Regan I only sent it to some people.
Forwarded message:
Subj: Very Important
Date: 97-10-29 07:15:12 EST
From: DKSlant
To:,E class 3

This is the Tiffany Chain Letter.

If your name is not Tiffany send it to a Tiffany that you know. Please add to
the list if you like.

If your name is Tiffany you must send this to 20 people every time you get
this email or else:

1) Your breath will smell like horse shit.

2) You will develop very nasty toe jam.

3) You will be cross-eyed. And if you are cross-eyed already, your eyes will
be so cross-eyed that you will only be able to see the inside of your head.

4) You will grow a hump...........on your leg.

5) Your ass will swell so big that you will have to drag it behind you. (Can
you picture that!! Damn that's a big ass!!)

6) One of your arms will fall off, or you will grow a third arm.

7) You will grow a pimple on your nose so large that your pimple will have

8) All your children will look like midgets on crack.

9) Your Head of Hair Will Fall Out!!! Well, all but one hair in the center
of your head.....and it will stick straight up no matter how you comb it.

10) The rest of your hair (like leg hair and underarm hair) will grow thick,
so thick you will have to cut it with shears.

11) Your dog will get cockroach size fleas. But only if it's name is Kalua
or any other name spelled anything close to that.

12) Your lacrosse stick will break.

13) Your Carmex will go bad. Especially for Tiffany's whose ears stick out.

14) Your driving will IMPROVE..........but only if you can make right turns.

15) And my last but not least consequence for those Tiffany's who do not send
this email to 20 different people: You will gain 600 lbs (that is equivalent
to 12 chins, 5 spare tires, thunder AND LIGHTNING thighs, a ghetto booty the
size of the ghetto, and flaps of 100% pure lard, minus one neck)

Add additional consequences here :

If you send this to:

1 Tiff: You will win the lottery

2 Tiffs: You will meet your dream mate

3+ Tiffs: You are taking this too far!!!