Monday, August 26, 2002

Philly phil phil decides to post a quickie,

yes you all saw Ariel at his corniest on Saturday.. freakin', straddling, you name it Ariel was doing it all to the one and only lamster... boy does he like you... you better watch it girl, he's MINE. *smirks* and just fyi, he's normally not like that... so it was amazing you all got to see him let loose.. which is usually once a month or so.. he thanks all for wishing him happy birthday...

y'all think that the food at the house was good.. mine was yum yum all in my tum.. had some good ass rib eye steak... talk about tender and juicy beef... I had to savor every bite, so I wasn't eating it at full speed like a normally do... and was actually one of the last to finish... heheeh.. we must go there again... hey, but I ain't dealin' with the bill next time *wink*

nickerbacker, were you still drunk off your ass.. you were pretty wasted at skylark... i had to help you through the crowds of peope to the fresh, or quasi-fresh mission air outside the bar. Dang, I didnt' even see your ask drink...

hey aregano - sorry to hear about your car... was your dad hella mad??? what exactly did happen? did you fly up here???

jeffee - I knew that Justin was leading up to someone sporty.. I knew you would fool ms. nosebleed b/c her ass is so gullible to believe anything that has to do or is related to n-sync... =) You need to wear the outfit that your fashion consultant picked... um saturday was perfect opportunity...

anupster - HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- woooh. I got it in today before midnight.. much props to meeh... hope you had a day off work.... thanks again for choosing house.. very nice restaurant...

Christine thanks again for being chauffer to and from the bar... I really appreciate it... that guy was so sleazy on the dance floor, grabbing, or attempting to grope girls that were repulsed by him.. someone needed to kiss his ass...

Tiffy Wiffy - You need to bring a box of tissues with you wherever you go... you should know better than to go into a midterm unprepared.. and worse case scenario, USE YOUR SHIRT.... who cares if its bloody... you could always say you kicked the shiet out of some girl and that's why you're all bloody.. maybe you could get some cute guys that way...or at least bring toilet paper... or you use a tampon (if you carry one).. don't leave the room... and you should kicked the girl out of your chair... didn't u have a backpack or something next to the chair??? poor tiffy..

things to watch on tv this week

tues - american idol
wednesday - big brother, miss teen usa, elimination of american idol
thursday - VMA's,

rest of the week I gots no ideas....

alright I'm out.. see ya!