Thursday, August 22, 2002

It's that time again when my volleyball season starts. I'm so excited for the season.. Only thing that sucks is that I got tickets to a baseball game the first night I'm supposed to be playing.. which reminds me of something.. ya wanna know how stupid I am.. I forgot I had tickets to Tuesday's giants game and I missed it.. How sad is that. .only remember as I was going to be on Tuesday night... crapola.. must be losing my mind...

lately I have done several accomplishments as far as getting stuff done... I had my car in the shop to get the bumper fixed (remember I got rear-ended) and I had my toenail cut again for the last time.. (I hope)... this time they had to burn the nailbed so that it wouldn't grow back...Yes I know I got issues with my foot but I can't help it..

Just a couple other things I'd like to mention... AMERICAN IDOL last night was an outrage.. Not only did Tamyra not deserve to be booted but Nicki is just bunch of crap.. that pink-wanna-be-trash is a disgrace ... she can't belt a tune.. and b/c she had one semi-decent performance on tuesday do they keep her in... I hate this show now.. but I still watch it so that I can see her get the boot...

WOOOHOO ANUPIFIED HAS BLOGGED... I knew he had it in him... he made me laugh so hard at work people were staring at me... I couldn't help it.. anup, you are one hell of a comedian... happy early b-day!

Ok I'm going to post again real soon, I just wanna see if my pic shows up on the blog... =)
Unitil then adieu.

Hey all, I just wanted to say how happy I am that everyone is posting and everyone is so creative... Wow that was a complete sentence.. I usually try not to talk like that oh well whatever...

Ok I'm going to post again real soon, I just wanna see if my pic shows up on the blog... =)
Unitil then adieu.
so has anyone gotten the answer to my riddle?? I have yet to hear any responses... here it goes again

A girl is at her mother's funeral. There, she sees the man of her dreams.. .Two days later she kills her sister.
WHY? (you better respond, I know Reganator's tried)