Sunday, August 25, 2002

this is isme y fgurs l fniebkolog in wuquitre some tine me, and it soe just so happens to bne b e a blunckne blog - like jim (as in jim drunkem miller, too bad he never made it, but then we'd possibnly never heard of jeff 0 0---0;/--

anyways, happy birthday nup
i've got a terrible headache at teh moment, and i know that when i wake up in the morning - i'm gonna have a terrible headache when i go to that a sin or what, going to church w/a hangover. i just tied a cherry stem in to a knot, so i must not be too faded
geez tiff, how could u let me in my house wearing my shoes, even though i'm drun k u shoud be watching out ofr me for me.
and by the way, thanks sylvia and tiff for driving me home, and driving my truck home for me.
i'm still wearing my shoes at the moment, and i just cleaned and washed and vacuumed the carpet of this roo, and it was wet outsidee and so the carpet of this room is not gonna be so clean b/c i'm still wearing my shoes.
my fingers feel sooo much fatter when i'm trying to type and i'm this faded
by the way, jeff - i think ____________________________________________bleeeeeeeeeep__________________________________________________________________
ok - middle finger to everyone, plus the pointer finger (which makes the peace sign), out ------ i'm trying to say peace out b/c i'm just tooo way ourt of it tooooke rpp tyoing any more, it's taking me about i don't know ohoe many minute sot writ all that i've' wirtittne so far, b'c i keep making mistkaes an i keep needing to delete, but i'm just too tired of tdoing that, so goodnight every1, and i hope taht u didn't have too tough of a time reading this.
nick's notes.....

p.s. sorry that i had to bleep out that section above, but apparently after taken all the time i did to read over my blog b4 posting i raelized that the stuff that i bleeped out was too sensitive of materiall for me tto

p.p.s...... when iwas thnaking sylvina earlier, i really meant to put in jeff's name, b/c he was the one who drove me home, and he was even so thoughtful has to even hoding my elbow to be sure i didn't fall on the stairs as i walked down (he's such the gentlemeba) - and i accidentally said sylvia b/c she was on my mind b/c i listened to a message from her just b4 tyoping this blog which seh sent to me, but i missed b/c the bar was too loud to hear the ring (and when i say sylvia, i mean sylvu--ia, not nast(\\\-_)
so nast, when are we gonna go hiking again??, adn when are u gonna blog a gain , it's been quite some time since we last heard from u in on here

i think that that last dieng druink taht reeg got me has just full y kidkced in thke lines of words ion this screen have jsut become all blurred a d u u n u i c a kadk n't tl el e l l tell what's what from awhwaaat

ok, peace out?