Tuesday, August 13, 2002

T-minus 70:33:and fewer and fewer seconds........I leave for China friday morning and barring imprisonment by the Red Guard for my capitalist ideals I shall return on the 4th of September. I will do my best to fit in with the natives and will try to bring back something for everyone. Please feel free to submit written requests for any and all illegal goods originating from the land of the Orient because it's just way too hard to guess what you guys would want. Here are items set for procurement as of today.....

1,287 pirated dvds
49 Folex watches
51 Phrada purses
10 furry hats (The ones with the communist red star in the middle.)
7 mail order brides
11 Shaolin monks
2 chinese finger traps
16 rickshaws
331 pyrotechnic explosives
a panda bear
4 ninja machine guns (I thought Ninjas only used ninja stars but apparently I was wrong.)
the Wu Tang Clan

If you desire an item not listed above, submit a written request to ECP no later than Thurs. 2:30 p.m. (It'll be the last time I check the Blogs)

During my absense, please direct all questions to my official representative and director of public relations, Shinjo. He will answer all of your questions promptly with a bobb of his bobble-head as he will be my only liason in the city. Please notify him of any softball games because he'd be more than happy to fill in as a sub. He prefers to play center field but can aptly fill in at first base as well. Also, he'll need a ride to and from the games. Oh, and whatever Shinjo tells you, don't go out partying with him after the game. Last time he just got way crazy. Not cool. Bobble-barf all over the place.

Not that you cared, but.........

I need a name for my starfish........as of now, the only nomination for a name has been Dog. I don't know about a starfish named Dog, but at the same time it looks more like a Dog than it does a John.

I think Reeg's becoming paranoid.

I thought Great America was the best place ever until I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the first time since I was like 7.......instead of buying a house, I'm just going to buy that place and sleep by the jelly fish exhibit. Only problem is the constant sound of water might make me pee in bed.

In the event I never return from China.........I leave all my worldly possesions to the sole custody of Shinjo. In the event he is unable to uphold the duties pertaining to ownership, all possesions will be divided between the people most important in my life...........my fishies: Bubba, Tigger, Cigar, Secretariat, and Dog.

Did you know a dolphin's favorite activity is sex?

ps- Is that why Miami's football team always suck?