Saturday, September 07, 2002

*Phil waits at the montgomery bart station for a pittsburg bay point train*

Blonde1: (holding a mcdonald's burger) cheeseburger! anyone wanna cheeseburger
(several men, refuse and one even growls at her)
Blonde1: sheesh I though people like mcdonalds
Blonde2: Yeah I know
Phil (in my head): well obviously no one is going to take a cheeseburger from a complete stranger unless you're a bum or dying of starvation
(20+ guy comes down from escalator, rugged guy a little on the machismo side)
Blonde1: Cheeseburger
Guy: yeah, I wanna cheeseburger. (walks over to her) do you got any ketchup
Phil (in my head) you swear she just carries ketchup with her
Blonde1: No sorry I don't have any ketchup. I promise its good
Guy: thanks I'm starving. where you girls from
Blonde 1: I'm from the city
Blonde 2: I go to school in Berkeley
Guy: Hey, that's where I'm headed... I"m here from new york. My friend over there (the anti-social one) is who I'm staying with
Both blondes: ooooh new york huh... wow... and you came out here, how you like it?
Guy: Pretty cool so far... so you guys going out tonight?
Blonde 1: No, I got work early in the morning
Blonde 2: I want to, thurs-sun are the best days to go out.
Guy: Oh YEAH, I wanna party tonight but my friend here isn't up for it. ... You girls wanna go out.. anything happening in berkeley
Blonde 1: I can't, I really have to wake up early
Blonde 2: Oh c'mon it'll be fun, I know some places that are good out in berkeley
Guy: really I'm down if you two are
Blonde 2 (to blonde 1): c'mon you know you wanna go?
Blonde 1: Oh all right I'll go too
(and they wait together for the next bart train)

So people meet like that... after a freakin cheeseburger.. talk about not going with strangers.. apparently they feel safe.. just had to share a moment of random conversation I overheard... I shall post another one soon enough