Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Man, I don't post for a little while and this blog gets out of wack. But as the self-proclaimed President/Commissioner/Pimp of the 3FC, it is my responsibility to bring order like I was a waitress at a Chinese restuarant. What we have is the case of A-Rad and his keyboard V. the Aggies. Guys this is paramount...Roe V. Wade or Brown V. the Board of Education got nothing on this.

Ever hear that saying be careful what you ask for? I recall multiple posts saying that A-Rad should blog. "Where's Anup?" "Is he lost?" "We need more people." Guys, Snup is a product of us. We produced it, and he just followed the natural course. He blogged, and people were cheering him on. Therefore, another blog was soon to follow. His latest entry was proof that someone did read the X-Commandments (X=10 for the non-Romans). Thanks dawg for making em seem like I didn't waste my time composing that.

But on the real, that wasn't Anup posting...that was his evil alter ego Puna. And Puna is a bitter man. You see, Puna just celebrated his 32nd birthday Guys, if you think it was his 23rd, he got you fooled. I mean, who drives a minivan when you're supposedly "17"? And old men are bitter and delusional. And bitter and delusional old men go through mid-life crises. Therefore the older Anup wanted to remain young, so in came the Civic (I spelled that backwards haha). Their vision is also when Anup says he saw 2 girls, Puna translates that into 4.5. Truth is, half the girls he talks about are actually distant cousins. As a result, numbers can get a little sketchy. Another reason why is was Puna who blogged: what real playas post on a saturday night? Because the real Snup must have been big-pimpin' when the cat's away.

Guys, I don't like to state the obvious, but let's paint a picture. Back in 1974 in his homeland, little Anup wanted to come across the sea and settle in the Bay Area. He scouted schools' Indian clubs, and circled UC-Davis at the PLACE TO BE. Indian girls there are off the chain, he thought to himself. I'ma get me a good Catholic education, then hop on over there. However, after spending an extra nine years in school, Anup felt it was time to make his move. He even befriended future Aggies in case something drastic happened. So he applied to Davis, but much to his dismay, they rejected him. The personal statement of pimping every Indian girl didn't go over too well with the Board of Regents. Shocked, Anup decided to stay home and find every opportunity to bag on Davis and its people.

This is the true Behind the Music: Anup. Sorry to make it known playa, but the truth had to come out eventually. Snup said his latest would "leave a mark." But would you be the mark that left?? It's interesting when you can flip some words around. Let's not forget the maturity level here...what 32 yr olds actually quote the Rock?? And back to that WWE experience yall had: maybe someone didn't wanna step on someone else's toes. And I thought you was saving her for me? And EVERYONE, with the exception of Phil-Diddy, has never introduced the reegsta to a dime. So I guess we have homework to do fellas.

To rectify this situation, Snup proposed the following idea: A Blog retreat! There couldn't be a more fitting place than Dan's place in Davis. I mean, we got like 4 years to plan it since that's about how long he'll be up there...alright my people, time to be like a Gweneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck movie and Bounce...

one love,
the commish is the ish

PS: Selling unauthorized copies of the controversial post that was banned in blogspots everywhere! For $2.95, have it on your desktop instantaneously. Please email me for offers.