Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Hey guys...

Glad to see multiple activity 2 posts by our Chinese Berkeley fraternity friends =)...and Tiff B living up to the "Daily Dose" title of our blog haha j/p...2 bad i'm too southern for the MNFAT, WAKA and XBOX events, but I live it vicariously through yall, so keep bringing the 411/summaries...well I haven't posted in a minute, but nothing really spectacular has been happening...

I'd like to big up SAB for visiting me this past weekend in the city of angels...although I might not have been the primary reason of her trip, its always good to see familiar faces and old friends...we went to this bar on sunset blvd on saturday night, got our perve on, and then I drove them back....sober of course...on sunday, frustrated with the way the 9ers were playing, I decided to accompany sylvia on a shopping trip to melrose...I didn't buy anything, since they don't have a ross on melrose, but sylvia came up on a lid...

a lil word of advice: when buying alcohol beverages at trader joe's, do not use your passport as proof of identification...

after reading ed's china piece, don't u think he'd be smart enough to duck once in awhile...and u know how there's a chinatown in every metro area in the US, is there a USAtown in china? but china sounds a lot like the PI, which I think is very characteristic of many developing (re: 3rd world) nations...and I'd like to know the reason why you're pondering a career change...

speaking of which, our loyal bloggers may recall that my proposed profession of being a (game show) was brought to my attention that contestants may only appear on one show per 12 months, so I guess I have to think of something else...

hardball thoughts: i hate koch, i miss the eck...everytime i see koch pitch, he seems to jack it up somehow...maybe mulder should've stayed in the game; as for the giants, i believe they'll make it since the dodger's play like vaginas...w/ their allstar closer on the mound and no one on, they intentionally walk least we were vindicated 2night...

Jeff/Nick: can't believe u got suckered to watch a MLS game...for a dollar more you could get a lap dance...

Christine...we care if they're real, fake boobies look kinda nasty sometimes according to what, um, like, my friends tell me, yeah...but I think i'm headed to the desert this weekend too...friends bday wknd as well, so hopefully I'll have a recap next week...

4 P-diddy...Scores is also the name of a popular strip club in NYC according to what, um, like, my friends tell me, yeah...but let me answer your questions:

favorite TV show: SMALLVILLE!!! season premier on the for why, no doubt lana lang is hotter than eating flaming hot cheyenne peppers in death valley on a July day (thanks tiff L), but also because I see parallels with me and, expectations, friendships, superpowers...well maybe not that last one...maybe that sounds egotistical, but if you watch the show, you can feel me, or should i say doyouphilme? haha....but Clark will prevail, and so will the reegsta...

favorite drink: to buy for girls, Adios because they get effed up quicker!! no j/p ;-) to buy for guys, a beer on tap b/c its cheapest haha...and I think i've answered this ? b4, I said a long island and a cape cod...i guess i have a thing for islandy for the nonalcohol, I simply prefer h 2 the izzo (or as sylv puts it, "HOVA")...


How strange is this? The losing pitcher for the Mets on Sept. 11 -- Steve Trachsel -- lowered his record to (no kidding) 9-11. The Yankees' winning pitcher the night before -- Jeff Weaver -- raised his record to 9-11. And as loyal reader Jerry Beech, of, points out, in the only game played in New York on Sept. 11, the Yankees and Orioles combined for nine runs in 11 innings.

thats not just bananas, thats the whole banana tree...or whereever bananas come from...

flattering moment of the week: my coworker, who i haven't seen in a week, told me she had a dream where i was her boyfriend...too bad on the temperature scale she's kinda celsuis...but a very sweet girl nonetheless...

reality check of the week: haha my dear friend sent me a link to see how attractive you are...and I scored a 72 =(..which is equilavent to a C-, but she got a obviously its not very accurate...

blog observation: when is 2 people commenting considered a party?

tiff B: i'm anxiously awaiting results from that poll you administered...please post! hehe...and regarding that jeff line, it makes me wonder why they have braille drive up ATMS (?!?!!?)...almost as silly as a P-diddy riddle...

Phil had a good idea with his question of the day thingy...short and here's mine: Which did u like more, college or high school? Why? And if you wear a watch, what wrist do u rock it on? 2 totally different questions, but i'd like to kow the answers...

Well I promised Tiff L that I'd post 2nite..but I fell asleep and frantically awoke to this one is dedicated to you girl...

isang mahal,