Sunday, September 29, 2002

*Phil returns from an eventful weekend with no sleep*

Hey all,

Great party Steph... Cafe Royale was great.... I got to see everyone again and got to drink and get drunk and watch Liz scream at some guy for spilling all over her... After which we parted while Steph, Ant, Ella Mae, and Lil' Alan went to Larry Flyn't Hustler CLub, How was that anyway Steph... Speaking of Steph, she mentioned that she actually read the blog and saw our POSTS!!! It's weird, it's like we have blogger voyeurs... just weird...

Sylvia, why in the world did you start talking about grocery stores??? I personally like Safeway better, it seems to have more things on sale that I like vs albertson's... though the only reason I go to albertson's is easier 1) to get starbucks 2) to get coupons for the dry cleaner that I go to...
Anyway yeah I like the safeway on Castro, vs nice pleasant, it's even a place to go "crusing"... also I will go to your party on thursday;however you better get my e-mail right next time you send out an evite

Nick, thanks again for coming with me to the baseball game... you're always a pleasure to sit next to at a game.. I feel like Kruk and game we go to, is on you, right??? even if it's an A's game =) By the way, I'm still not feeling too good after that one burrito we had at West Portal..

Driving Illegal Girl a.k.a tiff b, so you started your first day of school... God, I don't think freshman even ride bikes in berkeley, I think they would be too afraid of being hit by a car... which would probably happen (when I was a freshman one of my dorm mates got hit by a car while riding a bike), Now abou the hair comment.. GET OVER IT... I said it once, and I won't say anymore.... sheesh a meesh ....

Christine, Thanks again for coming with me on saturday's game (nick went on sunday w/ me) I always seem to go with you to clinching games... what a sign.. we're magic... thanks again for the br stuff... do you know when br and gap take their markdowns??? what else are your plans for the week?

Lamster, always a pleasure to see ya... I'm still feeling stuffed... I'm feeling gross... ugh.. food coma.... Happy early b-day, (dont' worry I'm sure to call you on wednesday and officially greet ya)... you're the best.... when are you going to san diego? are you still going??/

Jefe, you're too funny... I told you you're outfit was great... Julie even said so... aren't u excited about survivor? who do u think is the ultimate survivor???

Reegsta... how come no posts lately? what's happening with you???

finally, my favorite radio station seems to be 92.7 now... I feel like when I'm driving I'm at a club.. it's great.. clubbing 24/7 ... =) and now for the QUESTION OF THE WEEK
What supermarket do you shop at and why???

see ya later
Phil the Filipino