Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Tuesday, October 1, 2002
3:45 PM

Hey, welcome to the party Steph! Glad to hear (or read) that you had a great birthday, complete with drunkenness and strippers. I'm sorry I had to miss out!

...Why is it that everytime I go out, it's only the sleazy, creepy guys that hit on me. Is it that the hot guys feel they don't have to hit on anyone since they've probably got all the ladies flocking to them anyway? Is it that the nice "normal" guys are too shy to do anything? A little insight from our male readers would be most helpful.

...Leave it to the locals of Sacramento to bring the word ghetto to a whole new level. Spotted on the streets of Sac: some dude driving a big black Lincoln Navigator with a license plate that read "BLEEDAT."

Stick a fork in 'em...
...The Quakes season is over. Finito. The defending MLS champs were the first ones to get the boot out of the playoffs after their 2-1 loss to the Crew on Saturday. I can't help but wonder, if I wasn't such an MLS "s**t" and ditched the Quakes for the Revs, would the result have been the same? Guess we'll never know.

Sorority Life ho's all up in my grill...
...They're everywhere these days. Amanda's in my physics class, ran into Jessica at the Internship and Career Center, caught the ghetto-looking girl who put the formal together at the bus stop, and ran into Mara and Jordan on where else, G St. (except they went to sleazy Cantina and I stayed at the Paragon, a bar next door). They have brought much shame to our beloved UCD campus. Now we'll be known for the cows and the....well other "cows."

Goal of the Day: Stay awake and pay attention in Physics class. Gonna kick some ass this quarter.
