Monday, April 28, 2003

return on buszed blog

buzzed blog, sort of. what?
You ever drink so much the night before that you wake up still drunk.hello taht's me. I woke up 6:15 sunday morning. no like

you ever drink so much the night before that you wake up still a little drunk. i think that's where i'm at now. wait where am i again??>m

my timing's a kinda off. it's 4:08 in the morning, but i'm awake. whut? the last time i blogged a tthis hour was after i caught the us-portugal world cup game on tv at about 2 or 3 in the morning. don't you miss those soccer blogs that used to take over this blizogspot. i want sizoccer

i'm in violation of one of regan's blogamaments commandments.
i like fuck. no that's not rigt. i like th word fuc. no not it either. ok what i said before.. i like to fuck word. i liketo funck....word.
everyone i know should play hour of power. or century? a shot of beer a minute will sure jack you up. cetnury anyone? a shot of beer a minute will jack you up. my players jacked their coach up good, obviously because i'm still fuckin drunk i can't see straight!! ahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
the csreen is too bright but i fi cover it i can't se e what i type and if i back away fromm the bright light i cant type. oh my god what do i doo do i do