Wednesday, April 16, 2003

*Phil relaxes on the computer after watching 3 hours of reality TV*
Hey All,

Nice to see Jefe and TIff have blogged in the last several days... gave me some inspiration of my own to blog... In any case... I think having another softball game would be great... I've been wondering when would be setup... however with the unpredictable rain.. who knows.. I saw we have one in the next two weeks... I mean most of us made it to Tiff's picnic thing so why not have another shindig somewhere....

Also, American Idol... what can I say but.... can CARMEN JUST GET OUT ALREADY... she is definitely the Nicki McKibbin of the 2nd season.. always getting in the bottom 3, but somehow always managing to survive... it's ridiculous... Kim C wasn't the best but she ain't the wrost.. especially from last night's performance.. literally Carmen sucked... you know she sucked b/c Paula didn't even have one nice thing to say about her.. In any case.. maybe Carmen staying in the game will solidify Trenyce and Kim L to top 5... My faves are Kim L (ever since her somehwere over the rainbow rendition I can't get enough of her.. and plus she's plus size....) Trenyce (probably b/c I'm still having Tamyra withdrawl) and Reuben (he kinda looks like the guy in my dept).... anyway Clay and Josh are my least fave (even though Clay can sing, he's just not american idol)..... did I mention I bought the Kelly Clarkson CD? I listened to it.. it's actually pretty interesting... not really ballads.. more Christina Aguilera rockish... if that means anything...

The Bachelor - Can I just say that Kirsten got it going on.... she is my pick.. Andrew needs to pick her.. she's way to hot for him not to pick her... and Liz is skitzo.. she needs to go... I just love watching her at every Rose ceremony b/c she seems like she's about to have a nervous breakdown.. I can't wait to see her let go....

Ok enough of reality shows for me right now.. I'll blog again soon!