Saturday, January 18, 2003

*Philly phil posts his first new year's blog*

So I've seen the blogging has begun for the new year... I felt that I had to share some of my thoughts on what the new year has been so far...


JOE MILLIONAIRE - Talk about a great way to poke fun at the bachelor...At first I thought it would be messed up for those girls to get decieved and fooled by this joe-blow $19,000/year construction worker... but then after seeing most of those girls I am not sorry at all for those girls... That Heidi is one big bimbo who is a gold-digger only after money... she should have been voted right from the get-go... then there's the two asians... one who claimed that she did not want to be the "bread-winner" and that she wanted a guy w/ "ambition".... talk about selfish on her part... then the second one who was a "foo-foo" and wore tinted shades to a formal grand ballroom ball"... both seriously put Asian in a terrible light... Anyway my pick for winner is Zara... the Kristen Davis look-a-like... she is the prettiest and by far the coolest out of the final 5... I wasn't surprised that he got rid of all the minorities... do these shows ever get a minority into the finals... hardly ever... For those of you who don't know.. this show is on Mondays at 9pm on Fox...

THE BACHELORETTE - This show seems pretty interesting.. 25 guys vying for one pretty cute girl... only problem is... when she finally chooses her mister right.. does he go one knee? or does she??? I dont' know how that works.. for those of you who haven't seen the show.. they brought back Tricia from Bachelor 1 (the girl who got denied in the finals to semi-decent Amanda)....Anyway I never necessarily like Tricia... However, putting her on this show, I take it back... it looks like she was one nice lady... when I first saw the 25 guys on the website.. I thought to myself.. how crappy are her choices.. but in all honestly some of them have great potential.. I personally am rooting for basketball player who forfeited in chance to play in sweden to go on this show.. (i think his name is Jamie)...and I like the guy who kinda looks like Josh harnett but I forgot his name.. Russ I would like if he didn't seem like such a gigolo.. talk about trying to buy his way in by giving her some tiffany jewelry... For those of you who want to watch it is on Wednesday at 9pm on ABC

SURREAL LIFE - 7 past-celeberires all living together and doing daily routines for two weeks... Now I"ve only seen the first episdoe (these's been two so far).. and so far I'm not that impressedthe celeberites on the show are: MC Hammer, Emmanuel Lewis (webster), Gabrielle Carteis (Andrea from 90210), Corey Feldman, A rock singer, Jeri from Survivor, and some playboy model... But anyway it seems like the most drama will be coming form mc hammer and corey feldman but as far as everyone else.. they seem pretty boring.. I could be wrong and the 2nd episode might have been more interesting.. but this isn't something that I"m dying to see.. Anyone who wants to watch this one, it is on at 9pm on Thursday nights on the WB

HIGH SCHOOL REUNION - Now this is a pretty damn good show in my opinion About 15 people come to Hawaii to have a "high school reunion".. they have all the stereotypes from the "jock" to the "chubby cheerleader" to the "misfit" to the "bitchy girl"... It's great... there are love triangles, psychotic stalkers, drama-queens (mainly from the bitchy girl, go figure), and they have "hall passes" where whoever is given one (supposedly randomly) gets to ask someone out on a date... so that's where all the excitement happens... but anyway... I can't wait to see what unfolds next on this show.. This show is also on the WB on Sunday at 9pm and replays on thursday nights at 8pm... ..

CELEBERITY MOLE - Now normally I would be excited about this show... however, with Ahmad Rashad as the host and not that other guy who now is on CNN.... I find that this show not as interesting and mysterious...7 celeberities (just like surreal life) basically go on missions and one by one each week someone gets "exectued" based on a 10-question on the identity of the mole... So far Kim Coles (from Living Single) and Stephen Baldwin have been exectued.. 5 are left..It seems a bit interesting but it seems like this show is going to end right when it's gonna get good.. they should have gone with at least 10 celebs.. but I guess they couldn't get that many to be on the show for that long... for those of you who are curious who's left.. it's Corbin Bernsen (l.a. law) frederique vanderwal (model) eric-idontknowhis last name (from the princess bride), black guy that was on spin city, and kathy something (from the E-show, classic comedian)... in my personal opinion, I think one of the girls is the mole... either Kathy or Frederique.. I'd go with the latter... she's too quiet... This show is on right after The bachelorette on wednesdays at 10pm on ABC.

REAL WORLD/ROAD RULES: BATTLE OF THE SEXES: Now this is by-far my favorites... battling the most drama/controvesial people on the show, (can i say Ellen, Puck, David, Steven, Jisela just to name a few?) all one on show competing for tons of money... put them in Jamaica in bathing suits and can I say I"m there??? I love this show... and then each week the top 3 male and top 3 females vote off someone from their gender to be booted.... This show has the making of a nice cat-fight... So far the people that have been booted are David and Laterrian (sorry girls, I know how much you love him) and Julie and Beth from the girls side.. my picks to win the whole thing: Ruthie and Eric Neese.. (is that what his name is?) This show is on Monday at 10pm on MTV

TOUGH ENOUGH - I thought this show wasn't interesting at first but now I've begun to become hooked on it... I believe they are down to the final four (I'm not sure) but I can't wait to see who gets chosen to get WWF contracts... either way it should have a good ending... jefe, tell me what's happened in the last two weeks, I've missed it.. I believe this show is on MTV at 10-10:30? on Thursday nights...

Ok enough of reality TV... let me know what you guys all think about these shows.. I'd love to know if any of you are watching it... I'll post again soon about other things soon.. didn't want to tire all of you out... Have a great weekend!

Yours truly
Super Reality Buff
a.k.a PHIL =)