Monday, January 20, 2003

back from the land of.......*cough cough*

happy new year everyone! i know i know, a little delayed, but hey, i was wandering international waters. while all of you had a raging time at Ed & Ant's rockin New year's Eve ( or was it cancelled again...kidding!), i was in good ol' europa....Amsterdam, Paris, Venice and London to be exact.

highlights of the trip:

*SNOW!!! it was dumping snow in paris and snowing in venice and london too.....that was lots of fun....

*the fact that everyone thought rob and i were japanese/asian tourists, so they were really nice to us instead of treating us horribly (like they did to all the american tourists...yikes!)

*PRE-FIXE meals in paris! 3 courses PLUS a bottle of wine for good prices....yummy in my tummy...

*rob & i attempting to speak French with an authentic french accent.....thank god none of you were there.

*rob & i attempting to speak Italian with an authentic italian accent....ugh.

*pizzerias in venice run by Koreans...Chinese...and Indians... and they all speak fluent italian!!!.....jigga what?

*staying @ our friend's artist loft in London where a gun siege was taking place a block away....

*eating "SPECIAL CAKE" for breakfast in Amsterdam and realizing far too late that it was much to special that Sylvia starts seeing things change colors...oh boy. (btw...special cake ends up lasting until the end of the day....ouch)

ahhh...good times...good times....

but now i'm back, and ready to have some fun!!! too bad i missed all that fun in was it anyways? all i know is included in jefe's blog (which was hilarious, by the way)....we should definitely make another trip sometimes soon....anyone down for a day trip even?

anyways, time to go relax and get rid of this crazy cold of mine.

peace out y'all...

xoxo, syL