Monday, January 13, 2003


Yes I know yall do. The Reegsta promised himself he'd go watch them next time they strolled through town. And what do ya know, they are coming. The 411:

DATE & TIME: Sunday, February 23, 8:00pm (2 days b4 my b-day!)
LOCATION: The Filthy Mo (The Fillmore, for those Ebonically challenged)
THE CO$T: $35 each (just a fraction of what it costs to see Britney, and this time, you get a whole band w/ musical talent, not Britney!)

Holler at a playa. Oh yeah, since I have lost my cell phone, please email me ( all your contact info. Hope yall had fun on your snow trip. I'm headed to Europe if a few, so everyone have a good week and a half w/o me! Please yall and did you know this is the first post of the new year?!?!? Bananas huh? So let's make everyone's resolution to post on this piece yeah??

one love,