Thursday, January 16, 2003

Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton could not have sung it any better! We, the 3rd Floor Crew, do rely on each other! And it looks like REEG and TAFT have jumped on the cruise ship and are sailing away. Now, is the time for the rest of us to jump on that ship and enjoy the ride with them. We collectively are gonna get this USS BLOGGLESHIP out of the rough waters and back on compasses needed, but maybe a protractor.

Top Reasons NOT to rent an SUV (more specifically, a black Jeep Cherokee) for a trip to Tahoe from EASY Rent-a-Car in San Mateo:
1) Printing your business' name off the computer and sticking those papers on the window of a vacated bedroom does not suggest a real professional business atmosphere.
2) Right before handing over the keys, the manager says "don't worry about the "check engine" light if it comes on, it's normal....we get the car checked regulary." Lo and behold, the light comes on once the car started and never went away.
3) A screw falls off the sun visor of the passenger side literally 2 minutes after getting in the car when Michelle tries to strap Nick's cd packet to it.
4) The car smells like crap....smells so bad that it required making a stop at Target not even an hour into the trip. However, a strong peach scent is recommended and makes a huge difference.
5) Kinda sucks when you can't get the trunk open using the key and have to use the auto door lock in the front. Kinda sucks that the driver's side auto door lock does not lock the other doors of the car.
6) Dirty wipers can make seeing cars and obstacles in front of you more difficult.
7) Kinda sucks that the auto mirror adjustment for the drivers side doesn't about blind spot!
8) It's great when we, the renters, have to maintain the coolant cuz it's below the "add" level.
9) Finally, it's not good when stopped at a light and it's all quiet, and all that could be heard is a loud clank clank rattle rattle from the engine.

So, after a year off, I started school again. I'm taking the one class i refused to take in Davis...Microbiology! Now don't be jealous y''s so fun....yeah right! Gotta lot of work in store and i hear it's gonna be a hard class. Just what i need after a full day of work.

Tough enough 3 is the best show on tv....followed by high school reunion....and celebrity basketball shoes don't really match anything but green shorts or shirts....Duke's men's b-ball team is still undefeated and ranked #1 in the country....prediction: bill walsh is such an egomaniac that he will name himself the new coach of the niners even for a really sucks when BART is delayed and i miss my bus and get to work sucks even more when there is no parking at BART cuz of all those damn reserved spots taking up space and no one uses them cuz we all too cheap to pay for them...i took four years of spanish in high school with one year being AP gusto espanol mi amiga...i can't coach lacrosse but i can try to dress like a lacrosse player...learning to dress good for the sport you're playing is half the battle....practice? we talking about practice? ruled binder paper is so much more better than wide ruled binder paper...dial up modems kinda suck since i don't know if someone's trying to call me now....the right amount of chocalate covering nuts make the best candy...i'm not one to gamble, but KENO can be a quick win....never fall on your hands when snowboarding....having a big ass doesn't mean it won't get sore from falling on it all day snowboarding...michelle and christine were sick in tahoe and now val reyes is that what they mean by cabin fever?...not vacuuming your van for months sure does leave a dirty floor and dirty mats....shannyn sossaman...shannyn sossaman....shannyn sossaman!

finally, me, val and MAN-E are planining on going to nets v. warriors next thurs. nite...let me know if any of you are interested.

Jefe, the sexual adobo, with the mojo, to keep the ladies being ho-ho's, run so fast from the po-po, i don't make skrill but i do make dough, rise as fast as the yeast and come as white as the snow, flakes on the ground in South Lake Tahoe...i'm out!