Sunday, February 02, 2003

Sunday 02.02.03
9:45 PM

Watching: Malcolm in the Middle (It's been ages since I've watched this show and it's still as funny as I last remember it).
Days until UCD vs. UOP game: only 5!! (The game was moved up to Friday because of ref scheduling issues, leaving me one less day to prep. Oh man.)

Story of the weekend: Yesterday (Saturday) was officially my moded moment of the year. So I had set up a full intra-squad scrimmage for my club team in the morning at 10am and afterwards I planned to head up to Chico with some players to scout the Chico vs. Santa Clara game (Santa Clara being our big league rivals). Their game was scheduled to occur at 1pm and games usually last about an hour and a half...keep that in mind as it is a very important detail. So we finished the scrimmage at about 11:45am but didn't leave Davis until 12:30, leaving us only 30 min til game time (and it takes an hour and a half to get up to Chico!). So we're bookin it up to Chico, praying that the game didn't start on time or that the refs were late or for some other reason for the game to be delayed a little longer. We got into Chico at exactly 2:30, which is about the time a 1 o'clock game would end, and we sprinted to the field to hopefully catch maybe the last five minutes of the game. We get to the field and absolutely no one is there. Not even the last few players leaving the field, no one. First I thought we just completely missed the game but then I thought there had to be some lacrosse people still around because the game would have just ended. So we ask a random guy running around the track if he had seen a lacrosse game going on just now and he said no, but check the soccer fields across the parking lot. We run across the lot to the soccer field, but no lacrosse. So we ask more people around and no one had seen a single person with lacrosse gear. So I figured either the game was canceled or the time was possibly changed to later that day (which would be great for us). So we head into Chico's gym/sports complex and go running about to look for a schedule of the weekend's sporting events, meanwhile calling everyone we know to find out what's going on with this mysterious game. Finally we bump into some guy working for the sports club office who happened to know some girls on the team and he calls the girl. So what happened? Yeah so the game already happened, Chico lost to Santa Clara, and this game took place at 9:15 this morning!! I was barely awake at that time and basically, by the time my club team started their scrimmage this morning, the Chico-SCU game was already over! Unbelievable. A long ass, stressful drive for nothing. So we decided to hang out in Chico for a little bit, visit a player's brother, eat, and then drive back home. What a waste of a day.

Story of today: I have a new enemy, and his name is Dan the Dick. Warning: this is another lacrosse-related story, so brace yourself. This morning I met up with the new coaches that will be taking over the Davis High program where I coached for the past three years. Basically I'm now their "coaching advisor" for the first month or so until they get everything settled. Three rookie coaches: one girl who played high school lacrosse for only two months, and two guys who currently play for the UCD men's lacrosse team. Not the best resumes, but hey they'll do. We had a meeting this morning with two parent organizers and basically what I got out of it is that these people have no idea what they're getting themselves into. Dan the Dick is basically this cocky little man, hence the name, who thinks this coaching thing will be a piece of cake and doesn't really need any of my input. He never really said that, but when I gave him some papers on the rules of women's lacrosse, he basially glanced at it, rolled his eyes, and put the papers away. Jackass. And everytime I made a suggestion, he decided not to really consider it and offered a "better idea." Bastard. I don't like this guy, and I don't like the fact that he and this other fella are taking over my JV team (yes, I'm a bit possessive about this team, but I worked my ass off for the last 3 seasons to make sure that the JV program was a strong feeder team for the Varsity program, so I think I have reason to be possessive). I'm sure we'll be bumping heads quite a bit in the coming weeks, so I'll be sure to update you of exactly when I do kick his ass.

Enough from me. was your weekend?

p.s. to Captain Phil: 1-congrats. 2-Didn't Puck want to KICK Ellen's ass, not kiss it? I doubt she'd feel so threatened if all he wanted to do was kiss her "baby ass," as she once called her backside. I hope she doesn't get into the inner circle this time and Ruthie decides to kick her out.
p.p.s to Jeff: How bout them Gamecocks.
p.p.p.s to anyone reading but not blogging: step1) go to step2) enter id and password step3) blog away.