Monday, February 17, 2003


Hey all, Ariel and I just got back from spending the long weekend in Vegas ... I have so much to say about it... but I figured that I don't have that much time especially since I should be getting to bed soon.. and plus I don't think I want to write novels... Anyway... I have created my list of the top 10 things to do/not do in Vegas

TOP 10 THINGS TO DO (either from experience or from what's I"ve heard)
10. Check out the Venetian and go on a gondola ride... who would have thought Gondola in a shopping center... (I personally would have ridden it if I had known about it sooner (I only went there 5 hours before my flight)
9. Ride some of the roller coaster at the different hotels... (adventure dome at Circus, Speed @ Sahara, New York's roller coaster, and the stratosphere's two ride at the top)...
8. Eat at the Palm at Caesar's. Talk about some grub ass food.. the price is a little steep, but the portions are enormous... Prime Rib is a must!
7.Chat with people who sit next to you at the tables/slot machines.. you can actually have more fun if you are around people you at least get acquainted with
6. If you love filipino food you need to try eatingg at Pinoy/Pinay on Sahara Drive. It's actually cheap, decent, and pretty good food.
5 Go see "O", this will be on my next trip, unfortunately all the good seats were gone for this weekend, but just from the previews I've seen at other Cirque du Soleil shows this is the best of them yet.
4 Go to Primm Outlet (30 miles from the strip)... nice outlets.. usually some good finds if you look hard enough.. plus it has the closest BR outlet around... (next to Camarillo in LA but who really goes there)
3 Cruise- There are always good looking people wherever you go.It's fun just to look at all the different people
2 The Bellagio Water Show @ Night, Never realized how moving water could look so neat (especially when it goes to music)
1 Go to casinos off the strip...(more spefically, Palace Station, Orleans, any Old Town Casino, and the Palm) I honestly believe that there is way you can make much more money.. The people are more down-to-earth.. the bet minimums are cheap and plus I won probably about $300 bucks there (however when you take into acct the money I spent in the big casinos, I probably broke out even for the weekend)

Top 10 things NOT to do

10) Don't eat at the Monte Carlo buffet... it's not that great
9) Don't wait until 3:30 to eat lunch.. buffet for most casino places close
8) Get so drunk off your ass you gotta be carried away (I saw that a couple times, totally modation)
7) Spill your drink on a game table.. you must be the biggest klutz ever plus, you delay the game for everyone.. that happened about 4 times thsi weekend.
6) Take any of those pamphelets those street people try to give to you by making that clap noise... all it is.. is low-rated porn
5) Never put more chips on the table than you could ever get back in return.. I swear some people have no idea how to count
4) Be careful when you walk.. I think now 3 couples have my body in their pictures..
3) Play Roulette on the Strip.. usually the minimums are higher than what you can find at Reno or old town.. your best game on the strip would be craps/ blackjack
2) Never go to the airport without checking the status (if me and Ariel did that on the way there, we would have been at the airport for 6 hours due to a 4 hour delay) sucks huh
1) NEVER NEVER PLAN a return flight the same time that all-girls teams are taking as well.. Apparently half of the blonde population in America were in vegas and at the airport at the same time...There was apparently a 25th annual v-ball invitational that girls all over the country were invited too.. and seriously.. they were ALL blonde.. I was like there is not even a dark-skinned one... They took forever, were loud, obnoxious and asked dumb questions. Honestly Titff, there the teams you love to hate.. I've seen your team and at least they had some diversity..But anyway that's my opinion.

Hope you enjoyed.. remember, these lists are solely for entertainment purposes... =)

Last thing... JOE MILLIONAIRE - cannot believe what happened! For those of you who missed it.. Evan picked Zora instead of Sarah b/c he thought Zora was genuine and Sarah was in it for the money... Neither girl seems to have a big reaction after he broke the lie to them which I was shocked... Sarah was very disapointed and seem to try to hide it by making fun of him thinking that he's just dumb and must have some "nerve" to present himself as a lie"... Anyway they brought back Melissa M to help Sarah pack (and also for some sh*t talking to happen)... Anyway they were just trippin out and wondering if there jewels were even real... Anyway.. after Evan told Zora the truth he asked her to come to the grand ballroom to give her an answer if they would like to continue on this "journey"... anyway.. she finally arrives in her blue dress (the same one she wore to the ball I believe) and said that trust was something she truly valued in a man and that she was disappointed that he lied to her.. HOWEVER, she said that the money was the one BIG thing that turned her off... so she decided to look past the lie and continue on the journey... Wow.. I was truly shocked at this point.. then Paul the butler gives them on a silver platter... a millionaire dollar check ending the story saying "all fairy tales must have a good ending with some magic"... and so... Evan and Zora.. who knew???

Next week they talk about the aftermath and if Evan and Zora will continue to see each other...

REAL WORLD/ROAD RULES - Basically I didn't watch the last half... but basically there was a "who can freeze there ass on a block of ice" the longest... in the end Ellen beat out Ayanna and got the ion life saver... Dan was eliminated and as a complete shocker they eliminated a stunned Rachel who was very emotional... all the girls were totally in drama-fest... basically Ms. Emily created the drama by nominating Rachel b/c she didn't "want her around"... anyway all the girls gang up on Ruthie and Ellen" b/c they've been the inner-circle consistently and they keep voting off people "randomly" or at least "suspiciously".. Anyway... that's the scoop...

Ok Hope to hear from you all soon.. by the way congrats Tiff on winning your first game of the season.. I knew you'll do well.. my first game is tomorrow.. wish me luck!