Tuesday, December 03, 2002

(day after after after) Turkey Day
1:09 PM
UCD Computer Lab

Thanks to everyone who came out for yet another successful dinner. Good food, good times. I think yall gave my dog a complex from all the "compliments" about her massive weight. I know she's a bit heffer-ish, but hey, show the dog some love ok. Dogs have feelings too. :-)

It's safe to say that I can go for about two weeks without ever having to touch another piece of food.

What's up with this continued dry spell of missing blogs? I know I haven't been writing much lately because I really don't have much going on up here in Davis to really talk about. Do we need to throw out some questions to get this going again? Ok fine, here's one to get the ball rolling...

Name something you really want for Christmas this year.
Me: Either a) the "Our Way" DVD, a behind the scenes look at the U.S. team's performance in the World Cup or b) "The Osbournes" first season DVD

Remember to keep the date of SATURDAY DECEMBER 21 open for some White Elephant fun. $20-25 price range, no cd's, dvd's or gift certificates...so be creative.

Good luck to Phil in his upcoming volleyball game!
