Monday, December 09, 2002

*Phil takes a break from "ratchet clank" his newest PS2 game to post his weekly weekend-recap blog*

Hi all,

Anyway hope all of you are having a happy holiday season.. Mine is going so far so good... anyway just wanted to let y'all know how my week/end went...

Friday I really did nothing but sit around and vedge.. I have yet to feel the clubbing/partying urge that us 20+ something year old should be having by now... the fact that I only go occassionally means either a) I"m too tired from work to go on a regular basis or b) I don't like clubbing/partying regularly... I'd have to go with the first one... work just tires me out... that's all I think about the whole day... I guess it's a good thing considering I don't fall asleep at my desk b/c I'm so busy every single minute of the day... but getting back to the weeeknd..

Saturday I did major shopping. However, I decide to accompany Mr Ariel to our hair stylists.. He decided to get some copperish-reddish whatever you call it highlights for his hair... Now I told him I didn't want to go at first b/c I thought it would take long.. however, he coerced me into going. I decided to call one of my berk friends to hang out with while he was at the haircutters... after staying about an hour at my friend's house, I left to go back to pick-up Ariel (thinking he'd be done as well as the fact that my berk friend had to leave to go apt-hunting)... Anyway I come back to find Ariel sitting on a chair waiting for the color to settle in his hair. I"m like "SEE I KNEW IT WOULD TAKE FOREVER" and all he could do was smile.... I was so impatient... after all that... I decide instead of sitting there for another hour I decided to go buy myself a car charger for my new phone... (which by the way has improved my reception in my condo by 100%) so all you people who call me at home know that's an improvement... Anyway by the time I get back, Ariel is just about done getting his hair done.. TOTAL TIME AT THE STYLIST: 2 AND A HALF HOURS!

Ok, so now I'm in annoyed mode b/c I have spent 2 1/2 hours killing time while Ariel colors his hair so we decide to go grab something to eat at Carl's Jr in Alameda.. There, I found that they were selling Giants Bobbleheads (more specifically Nen, Aurilia, Shinjo (oh sucks cuz he ain't no more giant) and I forgot the last one... and a 2002 giants game ball... so of course, I had to buy one and got the ball... Oh and before I forget, I just received my 2002 Barry Bonds commemorative 600 home run bobblehead... =)... I just have to share that the one thing great about it is that it has a manual counter so you can adjust it for everytime Barry hits another home run... ain't that somethin...

Anyway after eating, Ariel and I did some major shopping at Mervyn's.. yes Mervyn's.. I bought some toss-pillows, a kris kringle gift for Ariel's group of friends... and lots of socks... I spent so much I got a $20 giftcard for the next purchase for this week... =) After going to Mervyn's.. Ariel and I decided to go to BR and GAP to use our friends and family card (compliments of Christine) and yet of course... I bought tons of new work shirts as well as a nice woven sweater... TOTAL DAMAGE: $100 (which includes some stuff Ariel bought), so it wasn't TOO bad...

OH and check this out we go to Blockbuster to buy some DVD"s and there is a buy 2 get 1 free deal.. so we decide to get 3 dvd's all priced 12.99-14.99 how come the guy rings it up as $2.99 each.. what a steal.. how lame is he... what a sucker.. but what the hell better for us..

Anyway I haven't got to Sunday yet but I dont' want to bore you all.. if you want to hear how my sunday went (which includes a "I"ll never forget moment" pls sent a reply back. =)

Ok talk to you all later