Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Phil returns home from an exhausting final playoffs game... For those of you who don't know.. I've been in a Mervyn's v-ball league for 3 season now... first season we won the championship, second season we lost in the finals.... this season we weren't sure where we would fair... with half of last season's players returning and several new faces... we fought hard... finishing 2nd (10-3) in the regular season we got a forfeit in the 1st round... tonight was semifinals and finals... Our semifinal game was a 3-set nail biter... luckily we picked ourselves up from a 3rd set 7-2 deficit and overcame to win 8-15 to go to the finals... Our final game,however, wasn't so lucky.. After taking the early lead in both sets.. we gave up our lead by beating ourselves and lost the championship for the 2nd straight season... oh well... by the way, Sylv, Michelle, and Ariel all came to watch me. THANKS GUYS FOR COMING.... anyway I hope to get some more practice for next season so I can play more aggressively (though I must say that tonight's game was the best of my life, even the opponents said so) =)

As far as thanskgiving dinner... kudos to all who came and brought the bomb-ass food... kudos especially to the people that brought the Tapa.. that was awesome... oh wait that was Michelle and I... hehehehe.. as a tribute to our annual 7th thanksgiving (isn't it 7) dinner.. I wanted to do a letterman and do the top 10 things NOT to do at the dinner here goes


10 Come late if you can prevent it. Otherwise, you miss all the good food... and not everyone will get to try what you bring cuz they are already full
9 Tell Veronique about boys... she gets too excited
8 Put Jeff and Michelle on the same team for Taboo.. actually just never put them on the same team period.
7. Tease Kahula to the point of trauma.. at one point she was just staring at the wall and wasn't even caring that we were still eating
6. Guys: never tell girls that you watch Gilmore Girls.. unless you want your soft side to show
5. Cook only 3 cups of rice when there is about 16 people and several meat choices.. (you know Asians in particular, need our rice!)
4. Play the same CD over and over again to the point where you can name every track on it in order
3. Dress up and then decide half way through dinner to change into a sweatshirt and jeans regardless of how uncomfortable you may feel
2. Show up to the dinner w/o any food... (it's potluck duh)
1. Give Kahula anything to eat.. can't you tell she eats enough already????

Warning: Please note that the above was only intended for entertainment purposes... any harmful or damaging information was not intentional and should not be taken seriously. (dont' ya like my ad-like label warning)

Hope you all enjoyed my top 10 things..

As far as what I would like for x-mas...
1) to get my varekai (cirque du soleil show) poster custom framed
2) get a phone charger for my new cell phone
3) Buffy DVD's
4) Anything for my patio
5) Car accessories (more specifically a hard tire cover and rack)

hmm.. anyway... I'll share more in a bit... I have to run now. it's getting late and I have to play my last game of cannasta for the evening