Thursday, November 07, 2002

*Phil sits at his desk watching Lea Salonga singing "On My Own" on Bravo*

Anyway, I have some great news to share... I finally got promoted.... yes Phil got promoted at Mervyn's..... now I am a Senior Business Analyst...woohoo... .and yes I get a raise (don't ask how much)...yes all that extra extra hours finally paid off.. now it gives me more opportunities within the company to move as well as looking better on my resume... anyway... just had to share that one..

On Tuesday, my v-ball team won our 6th game of the season.. we are currently 6-3 and in 2nd place..... unfortunately one of your teammbers twisted her ankle after going up on a ball to spike it... she is our best all-around player... sucks... but anyway.. if any of you are interested in ever coming to watch, let me know.. it's cool if you don't.. I know it's too far to get to by 6 or 7 (depending on my game time)

Dusty Baker Gone! Wow, I can't believe the Giants just let him go... I honestly don't know if I am sad or ok with the decision.. I guess I won't know until I see who the replacement is.. hopefully it is someone who can keep the giants rollin....

Elections, elections.. so did anyone go out and vote.. I tpersonally didn't vote b/c I coudln't remember where I registered and plus I had my v-ball game so Ic hose to go that instead... Personally I didn't favor Davis or Simon for governor... I'm surprised with all the slander and dirty campaigning simon did that we got that close to davis.. I guess it shows that dirty campaigning doesn't always hurt...

Anyone watch the remake of Carrie??? if so, here are some questions... was their a "period scene' in the original??? Didn't the original Carrie die at the end??? Did Sue Ellen really ask Tommy to take Carrie out of pity? or as a joke? (I missed that part)... Didn't you think Rena Sofer (a.k.a the coach) act a little bit too militant during her scene with her students... Personally I think carrie is a classic and should never have been remade... oh well... guess people don't have imaginations any more to create something new...

The Bachelor.. so I finally decided to start watching it, mainly b/c the CMA's were on instead of the Amazing Race... so it's down to Helene and Brooke... who'd ya think will win? I personally want Helene.. she looks more interesting... and seems a little bit more real... I just dont' like brooke... too bad for Gwen.. I think she was about to cry real hard... can't wait to see next week's season finale just to see who gets dumped....

So gobble gobble day is coming up... I believe tiffy wiffy spiffy is still hosting another, ain't that right tiffy?? if you are... let us know what time and what we should bring... =) I always love that.. hey and tiff, will there be a showing of a certain TV episode/?????

anyway until we meet again. adieu.