Tuesday, March 11, 2003

It's the OMG version 1.0

A big what's happening to the four or so people still in blogville. An update on me, myself and seven...

Puppy- He takes up about 25 hours of my day so I've got that going for me. Right now he's chewing on my chair. If he's not doing that he's a pooping, pissing machine. A dog that weights less than 20lbs. should not, through any logic, be able to produce waste which is double his mass. If he's not napping, I've got to keep my eyes on him. It's like having a kid except worse. At least you can make a kid work in a sweat shop and earn a few bucks. This dog can't even sew.

Puppy Part II- Major babe magnet though. So I highly suggest that everyone get a small cute dog.

Puppy the sequel to the sequel- If you have a dog, keep him away from my puppy. Seven doesn't really know how to play with other dogs yet but fret no more, we're currently enrolled in a dog-e-dog socialization class. Class one: slap the bitches. Class two: ass sniffing party.

So yup, that's about it. Puppy does this, puppy does that, Ed gets to watch.

Lucky me,

ps- i hope dan posts soon.