Tuesday, November 18, 2003

fooooorrrtttyyyyyyy niners!

Only 10 more days til our after-turkey-day debacle! Wooohoo! Taft said we can bring our drink of choice so I will bring sparkling apple cider and hot chocolate. No alcohol for me since I am still recovering from the Halloween party, which I really don’t remember too much of. But hey, that’s the definition of a good party, right =)

Sorry I couldn’t make it to your v-ball game Phil, or shall I say Champion Phil?!?!? Hey, if you really want to get rid of some of your clothes, we can go to a swap party together. You bring clothes to trade with other people. I’m not sure if they’ll be a lot of men’s clothes but I can check. The party is on Dec 8th if anyone else is interested.

Biggest grip for the week: Why is Britney Spears on every freakin channel every freakin night? Talk about horroring herself to the media. I understand that she wants to promote her new album after such a long break but jesus, its too much. If I have to see another “exclusive interview” with her, I’m gonna puke. That BIATCH (who can't see or write songs) needs to go.

Best thing that has happened this week so far: 49ERS!!!!! After the first half of the season, I thought that we wouldn’t have a chance to make it to the playoffs. But Rattay and the defense are stepping up, giving us a shot for a postseason run. GOD, I LOVE FOOTBALL.

On a similar note, my thumb got jammed playing football on Sunday. Didn’t know thumbs were so important until now. Can’t really hold a pen properly, or put my hair up, or change gears in my car, or use my remote. Geez, its been tough. But I think I will make it.

So I will see everyone next week. Have a wonderful Tuesday and rest of the week =)
