Friday, August 22, 2003

hi all! let me rephrase that - hi taft and sylv! well thanks for the support (comments and such) on my blog...i told ya I'd still post here! yeah snup's bday is around the corner...not sure what he's gonna do...

man, 1st big al doesn't have his picnic...and no one blogs anymore...and snup's probably not gonna have a celebration...and no one blogs anymore...and whats next? no post t-day dinner?!?! the 3rd floor crumbling? maybe we should have a retreat at dan's house haha...or a day in healdsfield, or healdstown, or whatever that dang place is called...

oh yeah, tiff's campaign slogans:

Give Davis the Shaft. Bring in TAFT!
We need Sass. We need Bass! (your new nickname, just like Lance)
We don't want any Tiff. We want Tiffany!

Her main platform would have nothing to do w/ the deficit, but rather turning LAX into the ultimate lacrosse venue instead of an airport, for it to truly live up to its name.

anyways, keep it real...i'm 5K

peace in,