Friday, May 31, 2002

The Reegsta's Random Ramblings:

Hey Sylv and superfriends...just wanted to test this out...looks pretty interesting! so i suppose we can add pictures and dates and other relevant info up on here? Nothing like an online community to connect us folks...yes, i must second that thought that Sylv had about not having a DC (digital camera, not daly city) when it seemed flip a nas verse, "i got mine, i hope you got urself" a digital that should be the plan...get a DC fa'll be off the heezy...but we could retro it and scan pics and then post them i suppose...or else we'll just have pics from the same events, yall dig? well right now i'm at work...working feverishly =)...thank goodness for the weekend...well, i gotta bounce...i'll be like a math function and add to this later...crystal testicle points to a SAC victory tonight! -- one love yall
