Saturday, January 17, 2004


Now that reality TV is in FULL SWING, these are my top 10 shows to be watching (note: some are not reality shows but are worthy enough to be in my top 10 list). Happy New Year Everyone.

10. Real World: San Diego (tuesday 10pm on MTV) - The location sucks, so they must chosen drama people to make up for it... So far they have a big boob girl, a boataphobia girl, and a black guy who's sensitive that no one seems to focus their attention on him... this week supposedly girls kiss girls , and this guys shows his penis
9. Charmed (sunday 8 or 9pm) - Can't get enough of the awesome three... I still want Shannon Doherty to be back on the show, but Rose McGowan has done a pretty good job as a substitue
8. The Gaunlet Finale (Monday 10pm) : Finally we will see if Coral or Sarah's lame ass will cause their respective teams to lose.
7 Bachelorette (wednesday 9-10): Oh Meredith, who will you choose, can you please pick the black guy or the hockey player or the slipper guys, those were all good choices.. I could care less for the rest of them...
6 Days of Our Lives (Weekdays 3-4 NBC) yes, I tape this show everyday now, I love this salem stalker thing... it's like a who-dun-it...
5 America's Top Model (Tuesdsay 9-10 UPN): OOOH Season 2 has just started, everyone start watching it!!
4 The Apprentice: (wednesday 8-9) You're fired!! I think I just watch the show to hear those two words, I use to like Odessa (whatever her name is, but she's is too pretentious)
3 Celeberity Mole: (wednesday 10-11) Rudy is the mole. It's way too obvious... anyone disagree, share with me your theories. Also, this is too late of a timeslot for this awesome show to get any ratings
2 Survivor All-Stars: (thursday, 1st episode Feb 1 after the superbowl) Can't wait to see who creates the newest alliance..My favorites to win: Jenna (1st survivor, Alicia, Colby)
1 American Idol: 3 episodes this week (Jan 19,20,21), I can't handle it!! .. I can't wait to see who makes it.. oooh whoa whoa.....