Monday, May 05, 2003

hey there 3rd floor peeps....

yes, i have returned to the land of blogspot. after a year, i finally have the time during my work day to sit down and blog! geez, i love desk jobs!

Update: sylvia is now a member of the GAP army....just like Christine!....i am now part of the Banana republic: Shoes Merchandising team. The main perk: I get every pair of shoes for the upcoming seasons in my size! That's like 30 pairs a season! watch out imelda....

nice job tiffy with the drunken blog.....i'm still not sure whose drunken blog was better: NICK's or TIFFY's....i think tiffy's was much more obscene ("i like fuc") but Nick's was simply shocking. Kudos to both of you.....the drunken blog lives on....

you know what i've been missing lately? all those nights of excessive drinking at each other's houses....Regan's bday party reminded me of that...we should definitely try and do a monthly/every other month house the good ol' days....i mean, bars are fun and all....but you end up spending so much money....and then you have to DRIVE home?! no thank you.

so since my days at GAP have begun, i've had a lot of time to are some of my random thoughts:

let's go hiking/camping! now that the weather is getting somewhat decent again.....we should plan a day with nature.....


GIANTS are 21-9!!!! so you know what that means......time to go to those games! Sorry, nick, but the A's aren't doin it for me right now....

is someone going to have another BBQ soon? Lamster's BBQ rocked......i don't think i've ever eaten that much food in my life....

let's go to one of those all day/outdoor concerts....i'm itching to listen to some good music and enjoy some good weather!

my tennis racquet is getting dusty.....anyone down for some tennis?

ok, so those are my recent thoughts.....cube-jobs are great but i think you get more antsy and want to take more vacations....or do more activities....

back i go to my cube......

